Aesculap Cordless Clipper Favorita CLi

Latest generation of cordless Favorita

THE innovative and familiarly powerful cordless clipper for professional use!

The integrated "InfoLED Display" shows the battery charge status as well as oil and cleaning instructions at any time.

  • incl. Favorita InfoLED: always informed about the operating status of battery and device!
  • enormous cutting power with 3,300 strokes, thanks to high-quality brushless motor
  • Li-ion battery of the latest technology guarantees extremely long operating times compared to the previous model
  • ergonomic and perfectly balanced
  • weight of only 390 g for fatigue-free working
  • charging station with LED display and charging bays for machine and spare battery
  • Supplied without blade set

Favorita: the unique small animal clipper with adjustable shearing blade pressure and digital InfoLED display!

Ref. no.DescriptionColourPUPallet
GT234-NBincl. 1 batteryblue1/91/981 PAL81 PAL
GT234-SRincl. 1 batteryred1/91/981 PAL81 PAL
GT234-TMincl. 1 batterypink1/91/981 PAL81 PALNEW
GT236-NBincl. 2 batteriesblue1/91/981 PAL81 PAL
GT236-SRincl. 2 batteriesred1/91/981 PAL81 PAL
GT236-TMincl. 2 batteriespink1/91/981 PAL81 PALNEW
Ref. no.Customer no.Descriptioncapacity of batteryPU
XT4317315-5296-800Spare Battery2850 mAh1/20

Favorita InfoLED:

  • shows the battery charge status on contact when required - even when switched off
  • situational warning in the form of an oil can when the time interval for oiling is exceeded
  • situational warning if the control registers a problem, e.g. due to overheating

Technical data
Blade set systemAesculap Favorita
Drivebrushless EC motor
DriveRocker arm/eccentric
Stroke rateapprox. 3300 strokes/min
Battery technologyLi-Ion
Battery capacity2850 mAh
Battery run time180 min
Battery charge time240 min
Sound pressure level63 dB
Weight390 gincl. battery and blade set
Blade set systemAesculap Favorita
Drivebrushless EC motor
DriveRocker arm/eccentric
Stroke rateapprox. 3300 strokes/min
Battery technologyLi-Ion
Battery capacity2850 mAh
Battery run time180 min
Battery charge time240 min
Sound pressure level63 dB
Weight390 gincl. battery and blade set
Blade set systemAesculap Favorita
Drivebrushless EC motor
DriveRocker arm/eccentric
Stroke rateapprox. 3300 strokes/min
Battery technologyLi-Ion
Battery capacity2850 mAh
Battery run time180 min
Battery charge time240 min
Sound pressure level63 dB
Weight390 gincl. battery and blade set
Blade set systemAesculap Favorita
Drivebrushless EC motor
DriveRocker arm/eccentric
Stroke rateapprox. 3300 strokes/min
Battery technologyLi-Ion
Battery capacity2850 mAh
Battery run time180 min
Battery charge time240 min
Sound pressure level63 dB
Weight390 gincl. battery and blade set
Blade set systemAesculap Favorita
Drivebrushless EC motor
DriveRocker arm/eccentric
Stroke rateapprox. 3300 strokes/min
Battery technologyLi-Ion
Battery capacity2850 mAh
Battery run time180 min
Battery charge time240 min
Sound pressure level63 dB
Weight390 gincl. battery and blade set
Blade set systemAesculap Favorita
Drivebrushless EC motor
DriveRocker arm/eccentric
Stroke rateapprox. 3300 strokes/min
Battery technologyLi-Ion
Battery capacity2850 mAh
Battery run time180 min
Battery charge time240 min
Sound pressure level63 dB
Weight390 gincl. battery and blade set
Technical dataGT234-NBGT234-SRGT234-TMGT236-NBGT236-SRGT236-TM
Blade set systemAesculap FavoritaAesculap FavoritaAesculap FavoritaAesculap FavoritaAesculap FavoritaAesculap Favorita
Drivebrushless EC motorbrushless EC motorbrushless EC motorbrushless EC motorbrushless EC motorbrushless EC motor
DriveRocker arm/eccentricRocker arm/eccentricRocker arm/eccentricRocker arm/eccentricRocker arm/eccentricRocker arm/eccentric
Stroke rateapprox. 3300 strokes/minapprox. 3300 strokes/minapprox. 3300 strokes/minapprox. 3300 strokes/minapprox. 3300 strokes/minapprox. 3300 strokes/min
Battery technologyLi-IonLi-IonLi-IonLi-IonLi-IonLi-Ion
Battery capacity2850 mAh2850 mAh2850 mAh2850 mAh2850 mAh2850 mAh
Battery run time180 min180 min180 min180 min180 min180 min
Battery charge time240 min240 min240 min240 min240 min240 min
Sound pressure level63 dB63 dB63 dB63 dB63 dB63 dB
Weight390 gincl. battery and blade set390 gincl. battery and blade set390 gincl. battery and blade set390 gincl. battery and blade set390 gincl. battery and blade set390 gincl. battery and blade set

  • 1 x cordless clippers Favorita CLi
  • 1 x Aesculap oil (GT604)
  • 1 x instruction manual
  • 1 x charging station
  • 1 x power pack with interchangeable plug (EU, UK, US, AUS)
  • depending on the model: 1 or 2 x Li-ion batteries

Preview imageItem. No.DescriptionGT234-NBGT234-SRGT234-TMGT236-NBGT236-SRGT236-TM
Clipper oil 90mlGT604Clipper oil 90mlxxxxxx
 GT640259Button for Bonumxxxxxx
Spare battery forXT431Spare battery forxxxxxx
Dovetail compactGT104415Dovetail compactxxxxxx
Clamp for leverGT200316Clamp for leverxxxxxx
 GT230308Rocker Arm Favorita CLixxxxxx
 GT230801Housing Shell Bottomxxxxxx
 GT230802Housing Shell Topxxxxxx
 GT230803-NBx  x  
 GT230803-SR x  x 
 GT230850PCB Favorita CLixxxxxx
 GT230890Motor fully packagedxxxxxx
PT screw WN5452, K30x12GT800215PT screw WN5452, K30x12xxxxxx
Screw for swallow tailTA004639Screw for swallow tailxxxxxx
Spring for shearing machineTA012334Spring for shearing machinexxxxxx
 TA016207Packaging CLi red x  x 
 TA016208Operating instructionsxxxxxx
 TA016217Packaging CLi blaux  x  
Charging Station EU/UK/US/AUSXT433Charging Station EU/UK/US/AUSxxxxxx
PT-Torx ScrewTA012140PT-Torx Screwxxxxxx