Organic Chainsaw Oil Viscano

  • high-performance saw chain oil based on plant raw materials
  • environmentally-friendly, 98 % biologically degradable within a 21 day period
  • for lubricating high-performance motorised saws of all makes
  • optimum full lubrication in summer and winter, even under the severest of applications
  • Viscosity at 40 °C: 70 mm²/s
Ref. no.ContentsPUPallet
298635 L / Canister1/41/4128 PAL128 PAL

Technical data
Viscosity at 40 °C / ASTM D 704270 mm²/s
Density at 15 ° C / DIN EN ISO 12185933 kg/m³
Pourpoint / DIN ISO 3016<= -30 °C
Flash point / EN ISO 2592> 250 °C
Technical data29863
Viscosity at 40 °C / ASTM D 704270 mm²/s
Density at 15 ° C / DIN EN ISO 12185933 kg/m³
Pourpoint / DIN ISO 3016<= -30 °C
Flash point / EN ISO 2592> 250 °C