Natural employment: the spelt husk briquettes have been specially developed to satisfy chickens' natural urge to keep busy. The chickens' pecking turns the briquettes into absorbent litter.
Good against pecking: the fact that the briquettes encourage the animals to peck at them not only keeps them busy, but also prevents them from pecking at each other and can thus prevent cannibalism.
Very versatile: the briquettes can be offered on the floor or in a hanging feed basket (item 70280), depending on which is more suitable for your chicken coop.
Soft and absorbent: thanks to their absorbency, the pecked briquettes not only support hygiene in the hen house, but also ensure a more pleasant living environment for your poultry.
For greater animal well-being: the spelt husk briquettes from Kerbl Hobby Farming are the ideal solution for promoting the well-being of your chickens, avoiding cannibalism and at the same time supporting their natural urge to keep busy.